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United States - Major Components of Total Employment, 1958-2022
United States

Introduction & Summary

Understanding Growth and Change
Among the Major Components of Employment:

Wage and Salary Employment,
Nonfarm Proprietors' Employment
and Farm Proprietors' Employment

Unless there is a sound understanding of the make-up of local employment, and an awareness of how each of the components have grown or declined in relative importance over time, one can not gauge or appreciate the underlying character or complexion of growth and change of the local economy. This US-REAP module is for tracking and analyzing the changing composition of employment for the regions, MSAs, and 51 United States states.


  1. Click to view one or more of the regional classifications listed below or from the "Analysis Options Menu" to the right. (Note: You may need to scroll down to view the entire selection menu.)
  2. Using the "Analysis Options Menu" on the right or from the map above, select a region of interest.
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